#i was absolutely hysterical when i first saw it i could not stop laughing
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not-the-living-ghost · 7 months ago
shoutout to the time a couple weeks ago, when one of my dbda posts started trending and got put as the banner for the dead boy detectives netflix tag because this is hilarious to me 😭😭😭🙏
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nejiverse · 2 years ago
I know that this could be kinda imposible, being in the bsd universe, but imagine s/o has parents, can i request hunting dogs meeting their inlaws?
Jouno, Tachihara, Tecchou
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this lol. Fem! Reader
cw: just the boys embarrassing you (both intentionally and unintentionally)
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775 words
When you told Jouno your parents would like to meet him, he had no objections at all
You had to make him pinky promise that he wouldn’t do anything to embarrass you because he had a really bad habit of doing that, he enjoys seeing you all flustered and embarrassed
He greets your parents normally with a handshake and a warm smile which makes you hopeful that everything would go smoothly
Spoiler it doesn’t
He’s comfortably sitting on the couch next to your mother as he rambles on about every single embarrassing thing you’ve done
Your mother on the other hand is doing the same thing except only telling stories of when you were younger
It’s as if both of them had a vendetta against your or something
“Mom please stop..”, you drawled out the last word of your sentence as you attempted to drag Jouno off the couch and out the door.
You two had stayed long enough and you were tired.
“Actually that reminds me of another time Y/n wasn’t looking where she was going”, Jouno remarked.
You knew what he was gonna say cause he always brought it up 25/8
You glared at him. “Don’t you dare!”.
“It was on a cold Winter’s day that—”, you placed your hands over his mouth, telling him to shush.
Your mother only laughed.
She didn’t need to know that when you two were walking idly one day that you were on your phone and weren’t looking in front of you which ended up with you bumping your head against a sign pole and a big bump on your forehead which Jouno laughed hysterically at every morning he saw it.
He did try to warn you but you were too immersed in your phone.
Your mother didn’t need to know that though.
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Tachihara is seen as a quite confident person but upon mentioning your parents wanting to meet him, he’s a nervous wreck at first but eventually he’ll calm down
He just wants to live up to the expectations your parents had for him cause if they didn’t approve of him, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself
His words are endearing
He promises them that he’ll take good care of you and that he’ll never make you cry
He’s very tense until you place a reassuring hand on his
“I would do absolutely anything for your daughter!”
If for some reason your parents didn’t approve of him best believe he’d get on his hands and knees and literally plead
“You’ll be fine, they don’t bite”, you patted Tachihara on the shoulder.
“I dunno. I’d say they would if worse comes to worst”, he began wringing his hands.
When you noticed this, you took on of his hands in between your own and placed a kiss on his knuckles, resulting in a light shade of pink coating the apples of his cheek.
“You haven’t even met them yet, how would you know?? Just calm down alright?”.
As expected, your actions and words were able to calm him down.
Tachihara was polite throughout and had his way with words. So much so that your parents immediately took a liking to him.
“See? All your worrying was for nothing!”.
He was smiling like an idiot all the way home.
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Tecchou is very formal about it
Like boy’s on his knees and everything
He ends up saying a lot of things that embarrass you but he doesn’t do it intentionally, he trying alright!
He firmly believes that all his respect should go to your parents since they were the ones who created you (his words not mine)
Tecchou immediately sat on his two knees and bowed his head.
Your parents blinked at you but you only avoided their confused gazes and put a hand over your face. You knew you should’ve warned him before leaving home..
“Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. L/n”.
Your parents were reluctant to as but “For..what?”.
Techhou raised his head and placed a hand on his chest. “For creating such an amazing woman like Y/n. I’m forever grateful”.
That was your queue to butt-in cause if you didn’t, who knows what words would come out of his mouth next.
“Woah would you look at the time! We have to go”, you chuckled haphazardly, pulling Tecchou behind you.
“Go where Y/n? It’s eight pm—”.
Despite the fact Tecchou was a bit over the top sometimes, you still found it a bit endearing.
Masterlist :)
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wolfjackle-creates · 2 years ago
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 6
It's Wednesday! (I'm ignoring the clock that says it's 2 AM. It's totally still Wednesday. I haven't gone to bed yet which means it can't be Thursday.)
So, since it's obviously still Wednesday, it's time for another WIP Wednesday. We're getting into the real meat of the plot of this arc with this update! And now you'll maybe start to see where I'm gonna take this.
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
And that was when a large, swirling-green gash opened up in the night sky and dozens of ghosts started pouring through.
“Oh man!” exclaimed Sam as they watched the ghosts wreak havoc on the street. “I’ve never seen this many ghosts attack at once!”
Danny held out his thermos as he stared. “I’m gonna need a bigger thermos.”
The ghosts all appeared to be wearing uniforms and held batons as they attacked civilians and police indiscriminately.
“Uh, Danny?” asked Tim. “Should we call in back up?”
“No!” One of the ghosts got close to their group and Danny quickly sucked it into the thermos, dropping Jazz’s milkshake in the process. “Dammit. Absolutely not. It’s bad enough with three metas here. No more.”
Across the street, they saw a couple running from three of the invaders. One of the ghosts turned invisible and entered the body of the man who went stiff before sprinting to catch up to his partner and grabbing her to hold her still.
Then one of the other ghosts turned a garbage can over the both of them. The one overshadowing the man left his body, leaving the humans crying and covered in garbage as the ghosts laughed.
“I see,” said Tim. “How do we protect Bart, Cassie, and Conner?”
“You’re metas?” asked Sam.
Cassie nodded. “Yeah, nothing special, but
 I don’t want to see what a ghost could do with my powers.”
“Let’s get back to my place. My parents might be crazy, but the ghost shield works. And then we can make a plan.”
Tim nodded. “I’ll lead. Kon, Bart, Cassie, you three need to stay in the middle. Sam, Tucker, you watch our sides and Danny, take up the rear. Capture any ghosts that try to approach us.”
Amity, even during a ghost invasion, was much easier to navigate than Gotham and Tim was able to lead them back to Danny’s house without getting lost. Every scream made him want to stop and help, though. He hated being useless.
Behind him, he could hear muttered curses from his teammates and knew they felt the same. But they needed weapons. Ones that could actually hit a ghost. And they needed to make sure they could fight off any overshadowing.
A TV was thrown out of a house through a window next to them sending shards of glass raining on the ground. Sam let out a string of curses.
“Sam!” called Danny. “Are you okay?”
“I think so. Just a slice to my arm.”
“We’re almost there,” said Tim. “We’ll check it out.”
He was flat out running now, could hear the others just behind them. They turned a corner and he could see the glowing FentonWorks sign. He grit his teeth and continued to run away from the mayhem, fighting every instinct he had. He wouldn’t be able to help if he stayed. He repeated it as a mantra with every step.
And finally they were there, he grabbed the door handle and pulled it open, ushering his friends in first.
Once inside, Danny flipped a few switches and metal slammed down over the windows, though no guns or lasers came out of the walls.
“Okay. No ghosts can get in now.”
“Danny!” Jazz came running down the stairs. “You’re all okay! Mom and Dad rushed out as soon as the attack started. What’s going on?”
“Jazz! Sorry, I dropped your milkshake on the way here. And not much, just, you know, a ghost invasion.” Danny’s laugh was bordering on hysterical.
“But you’re all safe?”
“Sam?” asked Danny. “How’s your arm?”
“I think it’s all right.” Sam grimaced as she held some tissues to the injury.
Jazz joined and led her to the kitchen. “Come on, let me clean that up for you. What happened?”
“A ghost threw a TV through a window. A piece of glass got me as we ran by.”
Tucker turned on the Fenton’s TV and switched to the news channel.
“I’m Shelly Makamoto and this is Ghost Watch,” an Asian woman said in a cheerful voice. “Ghosts, can you believe it, real ghosts are invading Amity Park right now. Emergency vehicles are struggling to get through the invasion, so if you are injured and in an area of high ghost concentration, help may be delayed. It is recommended you remain put and wait until first responders are able to get to your area. Currently, the ghosts are most focused on the downtown area, so the hospital is spared at this time. We can only hope this doesn’t change. Now, our weatherman Lance Thunder is out right now, so lets switch to him to get an on-the-scene report.”
They all watched in silence as a male reporter cowered behind an overturned car as he gave his report.
Sam and Jazz returned just a moment later. Sam had a large bandaid over her arm but shook her head when Danny shot her a questioning look.
“It’s fine. Clean cut.”
Tim relaxed as well. “Glad to hear it,” he said.
Jazz nodded. “Nothing to be concerned about at all. Thanks for getting the ghost shield up, Danny. I always forget which switch is the weapons and which is the shield.”
Tim’s eyes narrowed. She was lying. Why was she lying?
“Yeah, no problem. We’re gonna go to the lab. Tim and his friends have self defense training, Gotham, you know? So I want to see if we have any weapons in the vault that they’d be comfortable with.”
“Great. I’m gonna be in my room. As class president, I want to try and make sure everyone is safe so I’ll be on the phone with my door shut. Knock before you enter!” Then she was running back up the stairs and slamming the door to her room.
Tim exchanged a glance with Cassie. That was weird.
But next to him, Danny let out a breath. “Okay, so she’s out of the way. Sam, you sure you’re okay?
Sam grimaced. “It stings a bit, but it’s fine. Jazz put disinfectant and antibiotic cream on it.”
“Great. Well, not great.” Danny grimaced and Sam punched him on the arm.
Tim cleared his throat. “You said something about weapons?”
Conner nodded. “Yeah, did you say you have a weapons vault?”
Danny laughed. “You saw the home defense system. Are you really surprised?”
Cassie shook her head. “Your parents are evil scientists, aren’t they?”
Danny led them down a set of stairs. “I wouldn’t call them evil. They’re just
 a bit single minded.”
And then Tim was standing in their lab for the first time. It was all silver chrome and neon green accents. But worse, it was messy. Half assembled inventions were scattered haphazardly over every surface. And was that a half eaten sandwich on the bench? Ectoplasm dripped off one of the counters onto a puddle on the floor.
Sam, Tucker, and Danny walked in without concern, but Tim and his team held back.
Danny realized they weren’t following and looked back in concern. “What’s wrong?”
“No offense,” said Bart as his eyes darted around, “But, uh, is it safe?”
“What do you mean?” asked Danny, but then he looked around and noticed the mess. “Ah. Hang on a sec. I’ll get you rubber gloves and boots you can slide on over your shoes. That’ll keep you safe enough.”
Sam helped and soon enough they were passing the protective gear over. Meanwhile, Tucker sat down at a computer and pulled up the news report so they could keep tabs on what was going on.
“Can we get eye protection as well?” asked Tim once he had everything on.
“Sure. Mom and Dad have plenty of goggles.” Danny grabbed a few of those as well.
Still not entirely comfortable, Tim finally stepped into the lab. On the far wall, behind yellow and black doors was the portal he’d heard so much about.
Danny followed his gaze and put a hand on his arm. “Come on, Tim. The weapons vault is over here.”
This should be enough to figure out which episode I'm using as the base for this arc! It's not quite the Ghost Fight people were hoping for in the comments of the last update, but I think this is gonna be better.
Tag List Part 1
@gremlin-bot, @bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @we-ezer, @markus209, @sjrose1216, @onyxlightdragon, @dragonsrequiem, @jesus-camp-the-sequel, @spidey29phangirl, @kyrianclawraith, @evilminji, @introvert-even-on-the-internet, @emergentpanda-blog, @lexdamo, @v-inari, @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, @longlivethefallen, @undead-essence, @xye-chan, @liandrin, @seraphinedemort, @kisatamao, @schalensitzbucket, @caelestisdreamer, @runfromthemedic, @nutcase8691, @channajen, @tonicmii, @ambiguouslyominous, @vythika96, @addie-lover-of-stories, @ironicvixen, @violetfox2, @pickleking8, @mysticalcomputerdetective, @ark12, @mygood-bitch99, @squirrel-wolf, @satisfactionbroughtmeback, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @automaticsoulharmony, @d4ydr34min9, @revnantdpxdclover, @midigeria, @raginblastocyst, @feral-bunny31, @lunaria618, @ghostreblogging, @ace-aro-as-shit
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inoreuct · 1 year ago
How do unsupervised children react to Zoro's tiger form, and how does Zoro react in turn? 👀
weretiger zoro hcs part 3
i think sanji is very very aware of how dangerous zoro is and that just emphasises how careful zoro is with him,,, when they roughhouse with him in tiger form the most he does is roll around and bat at sanji with his paws and tail and at first sanji was like “do you think iïżœïżœïżœm that weak marimo tf??” until he saw tiger!zoro wreaking havoc and destruction across the battlefield and he was like oh. yeah ok that’s fine
the first time chopper meets zoro, the swordsman’s in his tiger form and chopper’s honestly terrified bcs predator?? huge predator?? zoro stalks towards him and he squeaks and tries not to move but then zoro just appraises him, gives him the Lick of Approval and ambles off to do who knows what. probably nap again.
and on that note, zoro’s tiger form is huge. absolutely fucking massive. he is longer than sanji is tall. he comes up to nearly above waist height. he could hide chopper inside of his closed mouth.
but somehow kids aren’t scared of him at all. it bewilders him to no end; sanji always gets a good laugh out of his expression when he stands there, slightly taken aback, tail flicking against the ground. zoro doesn’t know if it’s because they’re so young that they just don’t have a sense of self-preservation yet or something but in every damn town they go to, literally every town he steps into in his tiger form, there will be a child that gasps “kitty!!” all delighted and runs up to him completely unafraid. it’s
 refreshing, if he’s being honest.
unlike their children, the parents have shown a variety of reactions, ranging from borderline hysterical fits of screaming and crying and trying to cart their child away (zoro just stood there raising an eyebrow in tiger form) to pulling out a loaded shotgun and holding it ready behind their back. and then the kid stops short in front of him, and zoro mentally sighs as he prepares for sticky little fingers in his scruff.
not that they don’t ask; even the most naive child would hesitate before touching a creature with fangs as long as their forearm. sanji always takes that chance to kneel down beside him with a hand on his back, voice kind as he explains to the kid that this is mr. tiger, no, he won’t eat you if you ask before touching him, will you, mr. tiger? and the damn kid turns to him with hopeful eyes.
he always acquiesces. always pretends to topple over and plays dead when they try and tackle him into the dirt. plays tag and chases the kid around in circles until they’re so tuckered out that they drape themselves right over zoro’s back, hugging his neck and giggling weakly. he goes back to the ship with his fur all ruffled and his ears combed within an inch of their lives and the memory of tiny hands waving, soft laughter as the kid calls “goodbye, mr. tiger!” from their doorstep and. it’s nice. to have someone other than his crew who isn’t scared of him.
of course, he has his bad nights. where he thinks about how if those parents knew the things he’d done they would never let their children within an island’s distance of him. sanji has an uncanny knack for telling when he’s gotten stuck in his head and on those nights the cook takes special care to tuck himself tight to zoro’s chest. it’s a blatant display of trust; showing his back, baring his throat to something with too-sharp claws and so many teeth is something zoro would never do. he worries sometimes that sanji is a fool for loving him. but when they’re wrapped in the quiet of one of their bunks, too many limbs in too little space, he can’t help but relax because sanji stays. sanji never takes anything lying down, gives back as good as he gets, calls zoro out on his bullshit when he’s being an ass and he stays. he is warm and soft and strong and beautiful and zoro trusts him implicitly, almost more than he trusts himself.
AND. sanji isn’t the only member of the Zoro Comfort Club. if the crew notices? good luck to him lmao he isn’t allowed to mope anymore. he’s been dragged yowling through the hallways more than once, gently but insistently corralled into the galley and made to lay down so that the rest of them can pile on top of him. it helps. his nakama are idiots, and he loves them.
zoro’s size does come in handy, though; one time when they’re in the middle of a fight, they get separated from luffy and the others and sanji’s hurt pretty badly. there are more enemies looking for them, and despite how much sanji complains about hygiene and stuff zoro actually really takes pride in keeping his coat clean. still, he rolls around in the dirt on the street and squashes the cook flat to the ground; he’s big enough to hide sanji completely and it just so happens that their enemies are looking for a blond and a green-haired swordsman, not a vaguely bedraggled-looking muddy dusty cat thing. they get away undetected and sanji uses up all the hot water getting them both squeaky clean.
his tail is his tell (guess you could call it
 a tell-tail sign
 i’m sorry i’ll stop). it’s big and fluffy like a feather boa and it has an annoying habit of wrapping around things he likes when he’s not paying attention; he sunbathes by luffy’s side on the deck and it snakes around his captain’s ankle. nami sits on the floor with her maps while zoro’s on the bed and it settles across her shoulders. sanji curls up next to him and it twines around his waist, and he doesn’t notice until he sees his crew smiling at him. most of the times he immediately pulls it away with an embarrassed chuff, but if whoever he’s with is having a tough day he’ll just
 leave it. according to the kids, it’s mighty nice to hug.
that’s all,,, for now >:3 shoutout to @redgitanako for enabling my deranged ramblings over dms, you’re golden đŸ˜œđŸ«¶đŸŒ
part 1 | part 2
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olivia-anderson-fanfic · 9 months ago
Part 1
Demon!Grim gets summoned by a bunch of kids accidentally and immediately decides to adopt them in retaliation
Grim’s day had been great, right up until a magic circle opened up beneath his feet.
He’d been let off work early! There was a sale at the supermarket! On tuna! His mood could not be ruined! He had been heading home, preparing to enjoy his spoils of war, perhaps over a new episode of that one Romcom he liked.
But it was not to be.
He was being summoned.
His tote bag slipped from his fingers in his surprise, his groceries spilling out over the asphalt.
Not that this was his main concern at the moment.
It was certainly a large one, though. At least the tuna he’d bought came in cans — if his precious snack had touched the ground
 he thought he would have killed whoever had dared to summon him.
(He was still considering it.)
He grimaced as the world blurred around him, his body stretching and pulling, until he was spit out on the other side.
He plastered a fake smile on his face, turning to ask his boss why they had changed their mind.
Only to stop cold. Because this was not his boss at all.
There were
 three kids, sitting around a copy of the magic circle that had summoned him, written in their own blood. From their wide-eyed expressions, it was pretty obvious that they hadn’t actually thought their summoning would be successful.
For a moment, it was perfectly silent. No one knew what to do, how to approach this unprecedented situation.
Finally, the one on the right, the one with blue hair who was looking up at him with a healthy amount of terror, moved. He dropped into a seiza, only wincing slightly when cut-up hands touched the ground.
He may live.
The other two, however

The one on the right was a boy with a mess of red hair. He was laughing hysterically, his hands hugging his stomach, staining his already ragged shirt.
And then there was the girl with black hair. Sitting in the middle, her arms crossed over her chest huffily. Looking at Grim in disapproval, as if she was the one suffering here. “He’s not cute enough.”
“What?” said Grim.
“I don’t want you. Go back home.”
With no further ado, she reached forward and broke the magic circle.
Grim was back in Hell. His groceries were at his feet.

 the audacity.
Not only did they have the audacity to summon him, they also rejected him?!
No. No. Absolutely not.
He saw another magic circle open up under some other demon nearby and shoved them out of the way.
Within the minute, he was standing in front of the kids again. The boy with blue hair looked mortified.
“Why did you reject me?!” Grim snapped.
“You’re not cute,” the girl said, as if it were a crime.
The kids looked approximately nine or ten, maybe it was equivalent to a crime in their minds. Grim had heard that young humans grow up soft and squishy. This could very well be the worst thing that they had ever experienced.
Grim crossed his arms over his chest. “First of all, I’m adorable, so jot that down. Second of all, what the hell? That’s not a very nice thing to say to someone.”
The kids gasped.
“It’s a demon!” The blue-haired one said in a not-so-quiet whisper.
The other two nodded seriously.
Grim snorted at the fact that the kids had recognized him as a demon, not because of the hulking figure covered in fur or rams horns sprouting from his head or the glowing red sigil on his chest
 but because of a mild swear word.
“You can’t have a demon as a familiar,” said the redhead. His voice was rough, like he had chain smoked every day since the day he was born ten years ago.
The girl nodded her agreement, and dismissed Grim once again.
He blinked at the red skies above him. Was God playing with him or something? He didn’t think he’d done anything to get on the guy’s List. He worked a goddamn 9 to 5. He barely had enough soleils to afford a two room apartment! There was no way he was on the big man’s radar.
So, no, this was just a cruel twist of fate.
That might just be worse.
He was getting rejected by human children. Repeatedly. For no reason.
This time, Grim twisted his features while he waited for a new magic circle to open up. They wanted cute? He could be cute, if it got him answers.
However, the moment he stepped through, the kids all screamed bloody murder, clinging to each other for comfort.
Hm. Maybe they didn’t like pet chimeras in the human world? Grim couldn’t imagine why. He’d always wanted one himself. Unfortunately, with two mouths to feed, it was not something a lower demon like him could easily afford.
But, fine, at least he could use their moment of terror to look around.

The room was, frankly, pitifully bare. Clean to the point where Grim found himself wondering whether these kids had anything at all. A bed, pushed into the corner. A threadbare rug, rolled up and set neatly under said bed. A single alarm clock, currently set on the floor beside the redheaded boy. The only ‘messy’ thing was the comforter — covered in hearts — which had been pushed under the door frame.
Trying to mute sound? Were they hiding their summoning attempts from one of their parents?
Before he could open one of his mouths to ask them this, the redhead jerked forward and scraped a clawed hand over the blood on the floor to break the connection.
After a few minutes' wait, he was back in the small room once again. In his original form, since they — somehow — liked that one better.
The kids were not entirely over their terror quite yet. The girl was completely silent as she stared at him, her mouth hanging open. The boys were trembling like leaves.
He wasn’t sure which reaction was better.
“What was wrong with that form?!” Grim sulked. “I made sure it was nice and fluffy for you!”
“It had two heads!” the blue-haired one said, sounding like he was about to cry.
“More to pet!”
The redhead pressed his hand over his mouth, looking like he was going to be sick.
The one with blue hair also looked like he was going to be sick, actually, but he seemed to have other concerns:
“Are — are you sure you read that familiar summoning ritual right, Trinity?”
The girl (Trinity, apparently) jolted back to awareness. “Deuce! Don’t make me lose my Name again.”
“Okay, that’s not how Names work, but if it was then you just lost me mine, too.”
“That’s doing you a favor! Your name sucks.”
“You and Ace won’t even tell me what’s wrong with it!”
Trinity made a frustrated little sound, decidedly continuing to not explain anything.
Grim considered all of the kids in turn.
 Trinity, Deuce, Ace. They didn’t look related, so it probably wasn’t the result of a single, uncreative parent. Were they using fake names?
Names only really mean something to the fae, but when in doubt it was always smart to have a fake name handy.
Maybe humans were warier than he remembered them being? It hadn't been that long since he’d been to the human world, though

But, then again, Grim was beginning to suspect that these three weren’t humans at all. He eyed Ace’s clawed hands. Considered how familiar Deuce was with Names. Squinted down at the summoning circle at his feet, which could be done by any adult human who knew how to channel their essence properly, but would not be possible for a child unless they were a witch.
But why would a bunch of nonhumans even need a familiar? Enhanced senses? Surely, between the three of them, they covered most of the bases. And, yes, witches were often fond of familiars, but there were rules for stuff like that. Magic was dangerous stuff. They shouldn’t be practicing unsupervised!
Completely random example, but what if she summoned a demon by accident? That could be dangerous!
Ace waved his hands for his bickering friends’ attention. “Guys? There’s still a demon in our room.”
Trinity and Deuce blinked. They looked at Grim, who was just
 standing there, staring back at them.
“This is a demon summoning ritual,” said Grim, eventually, because it needed to be said, pointing at the ground. “Not a ritual to create a familiar.”
Ace and Deuce gave Trinity accusatory looks.
Her face flushed red. “What?! But
” She grabbed a tome from behind herself and started flipping through the pages. Until she landed on one about demon summoning.
She turned it around so Grim could see.
He had to admit, the wording would seem a little vague if you weren’t experienced. Especially for children, who would have more trouble picking up the nuances of certain words.
“If you can’t tell the difference between summoning a demon and creating a familiar, you shouldn’t be doing complex magic like this,” he chided, shaking his head. “Really, where are your parents?”
She ignored his question entirely: “But then what’s all this stuff about protection down here?!”
Grim sighed, shaking his head. “Yes, demons can protect you, for a price. It’s a preeeeetty common deal, having a supernatural bodyguard is super convenient, but...”
The three kids immediately perked up.
“What’s the price?” Deuce asked.
Grim frowned. What could these kids even need protecting from? Poverty?
“A soul
Trinity lit up and raised her hand.
“Witches don’t have souls,” Grim shut her down immediately.
She mumbled something that sounded like a curse — the witch kind, the ends of her hair started to glow red, and her friends rushed to pat the flames out. Grim wondered if lighting her own hair on fire was really all that much better than a child swearing.
Nope, both were bad! Quick, distract her!
Grim tipped his head to the side, tapping his chin. “Unless you steal a soul, I guess, but I really doubt you have one on you.”
Trinity lit up. She turned to Deuce. “Deuceeee, can I have your soul, pretty please? I definitely won’t immediately trade it away.”
Deuce shrugged, opening his mouth.
“Hey,” snapped Ace. “Why do you get his soul?! What if I want it?!”
“You have your own soul!” she said, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
“Okay? And? What’s your point?”
“Guys, guys, what if you both get half of my soul?”
Grim sighed. “It doesn’t really work like that until you cash in the soul for soleils, which isn’t really common practice outside of the demon world. More importantly. Don’t be so blasĂ© about giving away your soul!”
Deuce pouted. “But it’s my soul. I get to choose what to do with it. I want my friends to have it.”
Trinity and Ace took critical damage. They were immediately stunned into silence.
Grim sighed. “I guess that makes sense, but you really shouldn’t give your soul away when you’re so young. What if you change your mind later?”
Deuce thought this over. “Nah. It’s fine.”
What is wrong with kids these days?!
They’re going to get themselves killed!
Or worse.
He fought the urge to curse (a real curse, thank you, ‘hell’ barely counted — it was his home!). “What kind of familiar do you want?”
“A cat!” said Trinity, no hesitation at all. She looked very proud of herself when she explained that, “All the cool witches have black cats!”
 right,” he said. “Okay, I’ll help you get that ‘protection’ you want.”
But not a familiar, no. As great as familiars are, they know no more than their owners, which defeated the purpose of these three having one.
 he didn’t necessarily have to tell them that the process to create a familiar was completely different from that of summoning a demon. That they weren’t even close. It involved, mostly, a lot of paper and a fire to forge the familiar in, not blood on the floor.
But hey! Amateurs would never be able to tell!
Grim hummed as he looked over the circle for anything he’d need to change. It was surprisingly well-constructed for an amateur. Even assuming she had just copied down what the tome had told her, the kid clearly had an eye for detail. A spell to ensure that Grim couldn’t leave the circle, one to keep him from hurting anyone, a spell to mute his negative emotions (now that he thought about it, he really couldn’t feel much more than annoyance and mild exasperation right now)

He quietly scratched out anything that could limit him.
Deuce was watching him suspiciously. If he was a faerie, like Grim suspected he was, then he could probably sense that Grim was being generally dishonest. An older faerie would be able to tell exactly which words were lies in a casual conversation, but it would take quite some time before Deuce got to that level.
“Are you going to hurt us?” Deuce asked outright.
Grim squatted down, until they were almost eye to eye.
“No, I won’t,” he said, holding out a hand to shake. It couldn’t leave the outer rim of the magic circle, sharp fingernails just barely scraping against the invisible force field. “Promise.”
Deuce nodded slowly, reaching a hand up to shake his.
Grim sighed internally. He could have dragged the kid through to his world if he wanted. They really do need someone to protect them.
Ah, well, Grim thought, shaking his head to himself. He’d been hoping to take a holiday sometime soon, anyway.
Who knows, maybe he’d even head back home with a couple of souls under his belt.
(Not the kids’ souls, of course, he had standards. Grim just wanted to meet their
 ‘parents’. Have a little chat with them about how to supervise your own children.)
Part 2>
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littlesunshine1223 · 1 year ago
Hello, I would like to know if you can do something from Hamilton specifically with John Laurens, I don't know if it can be something like an arranged marriage and they don't take it very well at first,but After time they fall in love
Arranged Marriage
(John Laurens x GN!Reader)
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You had just got back to your house after walking the town with the Schuyler sisters but when you entered your house you saw your parents sitting down at the table with a man sitting across from them. “Ah, there they are now. Please Y/N come sit with us.” Your mother called happily with a big smile on her face. As you walk closer to the table you see a man that you had gotten into an argument like 20 minutes ago. You scoff as he looks at you with a disgusted look and an eye roll.
You sit down at the table as Laurens’ father kept talking to your parents but that’s when something caught your attention, the word marriage. Both you and John look at each other with widened eyes as your parents keep encouraging the idea. “Pardon my language for a moment but, WHAT THE FUCK?!” John exclaims outraged while jumping up from his seat to stand.
His father grabs him by the hair and tugs him back down to sit in the chair. “John sit back down, you and Y/N don’t get a say in this! We are the adults here and we’re doing what’s better for you!” John’s father stated loudly which caused the room to go completely silent. You got up from the table and before your mother could stop you, you were already out the door and back outside.
A few minutes after you had left you watched as John stormed out of your house and didn’t look back even as his father was screaming at him. John keeps walking until he sees you and groans in annoyance, “What do you want now?! The whole marriage thing was your idea wasn’t it?!” He accused which soon lead to another argument.
Eventually the two of you stop fighting and make it to town where you once again meet up with Mulligan, Lafayette, and Hamilton who were enjoying their down time at the docks. Mulligan looks at the two of you while he balances on the wooden post of the dock, being shoved into the water seconds later by Lafayette who was laughing hysterically. Hamilton looked up from his writing and placed his hand over his mouth to try to stifle his outburst of laughter.
“Laurens, what’s the matter? You seem pissed off.” Hamilton asked in a partially concerned tone after calming down a little. “My dad is trying to make me marry Y/N. And he got mad that both of us said fuck no.” Laurens explained which made Lafayette look over and crack a smile that was until Mulligan lifted himself up from the water and tugged on Lafayette’s hand, successfully pulling him into the water with him.
“If you both truly can’t stand one another then why not prove that to both of your parents? If all you do is argue then they’d have to listen at some point.” Hamilton suggests but Lauren’s just rolled his eyes, “I’d rather lick the bottom of that boat then marry that dull minded creature.”
Screams and swears in French distracted everyone from the conversation. Turning your attention to the scene unfolding with Mulligan and Lafayette. Both men were soaking wet from the water and now wrestling around trying to push each other back in the water.
Eventually you and the four ended up at a pub where all of them got absolutely wasted. About an hour later is when John blacked out against you with his head on your shoulder. His three friends began poking fun at the two of you and making suggestive hand gestures while wiggling their eye brows. You huff as the three continue but the comments get more in detail and R-Rated. You sigh and help John up before wishing the three goodnight then walking out of the bar.
The day of the wedding
You stood at the alter as the preacher gave the two of you permission to kiss each other. John crossed his arms and reluctantly kissed you. It was a simple peck on the lips but it satisfied the two sides of the families and bystanders.
That night after the wedding party when both of you were about to fall asleep in bed he wrapped his arms around you and held you lovingly, it surprised you at first but after a deep breath you relaxed into his touch. “Let’s try to make this work, I-I think I’m starting to be more open to this idea.” He mumbled to you before leaning over you and kissing you properly unlike he had before. With couple exchanges of the words “I love you” you both fell asleep in each others arms.
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sam24 · 1 year ago
Bucky Barnes: Wedding Cop
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Summary: It’s Bucky’s best friend’s wedding. Well too bad that this particular best friend was Steve Rogers, who seemed to be a nervous wreck, wanting everything to go off without a hitch. So what does he do? Force Bucky into patrolling duty. Lucky for him, one of Natasha’s gorgeous bridesmaids, who looked like she had been assigned to babysitting duty, makes his rounds around the garden estate a lot more interesting.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
no powers au | first meets
Bucky grumbled as he yanked at the tie that was pulling on his neck, courtesy of his best friend.
”All right Buck, I put my full faith in you. Everything better go perfectly from here on out,” Steve fumbled, trying to hide his worries with a casual fix of his best buddy’s tie. “ Remember, Tony is not allowed to dance on the tables again. And don’t let anyone else get too drunk and weird. Nothing is allowed to ruin Natasha’s big night.”
“It’s your big night too, Steve.” Bucky rolled his eyes. “Stop worrying and go find your wife.”
“Cïżœïżœmon, Buck,” Steve pleaded. “You already know that her parents don’t like me that much. If something goes wrong on their daughter’s wedding night, they’ll literally hate me forever.”
“I think they already hate you for not being Russian.”
“You’re not funny.” Steve furrowed his eyebrows.
“Look, Stevie,” Bucky pushed his friend’s hands away from his tie that was starting to choke him a tad. “You got married to Natasha, not to her parents. Her love for you is absolutely crazy, and nothing’s gonna change that, even if her parents aren’t that fond of you. Which by the way means that something is totally wrong with them.”
Steve cracked a smile.
“Stop worrying about them, punk,” Bucky continued. “You're wasting your time here stressing out when you could be dancing with Natasha, just enjoying your life. Your married, for fuck’s sake. At least act like you like it.”
“Jerk.” Steve shoved Bucky’s shoulder with a grin.
“So that means I’m off security duty?”
“You wish.”
Bucky’s cheeky grin dropped.
“What’re you waiting for?” Steve smirked. “I think you’re a bit too old for me to sign you off for some volunteer hours.”
Bucky lazily scanned the garden, watching people chat, laugh, and dance (and basically everything he wished he were doing other than playing cop).
The garden itself was beautifully landscaped, featuring carefully manicured flower beds bursting with a riot of colors. Roses, peonies, and daisies created a tapestry of blooms, their sweet fragrance filling the air and scent mingling with the soft, gentle breeze.
Bucky’s eyes caught Steve and Natasha talking quietly in each other’s ears in the corner, pure love evident on both their faces, hiding from the crowd to get a second to themselves.
A smile pulled on Bucky’s face, his heart melting at the sight. However, he was more than happy to point somebody’s grandma in the direction of the newlyweds after she had tugged on his sleeve and asked if he knew where they were, wanting to talk to the couple.
Bucky silently cursed at his best friend as he watched the old lady slowly make her way over to them. That’s what you get, you bastard.
He continued walking aimlessly around the garden, and as Bucky neared the large oak tree where he first started his lap, he saw a large group of young kids laughing hysterically and running in circles around someone.
Bucky peered past the children, trying to catch a glimpse of the poor person in the middle, wanting to get a quick laugh before he had to go back to his job.
He spotted you in the center of the game of Ring around the Rosie on crack, wearing a beautiful pastel pink bridesmaid dress, frantically trying to calm the kids down before they received even more attention from the guests.
He remembered seeing you earlier in the lineup of bridesmaids during the wedding, standing between Yelena and Wanda, but he didn’t get a good look through his teary eyes as he watched his best friend cry with joy throughout the ceremony.
He slowed his walk down to a halt, chuckling at the sight of you trying to bribe the kids with a pack of gum to get them to stop.
Before he could do anything else though, he accidentally made eye-contact with Sam, who was enjoying watching Bucky walk around in circles a little too much.
“Keep walking, bitch,” Sam mouthed at Bucky, making a circling motion with his finger. “Or else I’m telling Steve that you ain’t doing your job.”
Bucky flipped Sam off with a sneer, earning an obnoxious laugh from the latter.
However, wanting to satisfy his best friend’s wishes, Bucky continued his lap. He decided to walk as fast as he possibly could around the garden, trying to get back to you, sending a charming smile at a couple of guests that he accidentally bumped into in his rush.
Bucky drastically slowed down once he heard the group of kids again, cursing at himself for making it so obvious. This time, they were all chewing gum obnoxiously while you were shoving an empty packet of trident gum into a nearby trash can.
(So that’s exactly what Bucky planned to do on repeat: walk around the garden like his ass was on fire until he reached you, where he would slow down and stare like a creep.
Great plan, right?)
On the third round, you were laughing with a little boy who seemed to be unsuccessfully trying to blow bubbles with his gum.
On the fourth round, you were being pulled in opposite directions by two little girls who seemed to be fighting over you.
On the fifth round, all the girls were gently braiding white peonies from a nearby bush into your hair while you held a giant rock-paper-scissors tournament with the boys.
During the frenzy of the game, Bucky somehow managed to beckon Cass, Sam’s younger nephew, over.
“Hey, buddy.” Bucky knelt down on one knee to match the boy’s height. “Having fun?”
“Uncle Bucky, if you’re trying to get me to play matchmaker for you, I’ll have you know that I’m a little too busy right now to be playing cupid for a grown man.”
Bucky stared at the little boy. Why did he have to be so damn smart. “C’mon, Cass,” Bucky didn’t even try to create a cover story. “Just tell me her name.”
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.” Cass stuck his tongue. “It’s sad that your love life needs help from a six year old.”
“Ouch.” Bucky watched Cass run back to the group, getting up back to his feet before looking over at you again.
You looked like a fucking goddess with the flowers weaved into your hair and the soft glow from the fairy lights that were strung around leaving an angelic gleam on your smiling face.
However, before Bucky could stare for too long, Sam was urging him to keep walking.
On the sixth round, you were playing a huge game of concentration with all the kids.
On the seventh round, it was just you and Morgan Stark left in the game, and Bucky watched as you purposefully hesitated to let the little girl win. You laughed as she danced around you, repeatedly chanting “I win, you lose, I win, you lose”.
Damn Starks and their egos.
In the middle of the eighth round, while Bucky was rushing to get back to your group, a familiar hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Woah, Buck,” Steve laughed. “I’m glad that you’re so determined to make sure nothing goes wrong, but I just meant keep an eye on everyone. Like from wherever you were standing. Not walk around aggressively in circles.”
Bucky shrugged nervously. “Um, what can I say? It’s my duty to make sure everything’s perfect. Plus, I- uh, love walking.”
Steve looked suspicious. “Yeah, whatever. C’mon, let’s go to the dance floor. Becca’s looking for you.”
“Uh yeah, lemme just finish my final lap. There were a couple of tipsy looking men over there. Think they’re Alexei’s friends or something,” Bucky lied, gesturing in the general direction where he last saw you guys sitting. “I’ll just make sure they’re not too drunk and then I’ll join you guys.”
“You don’t have to, Buck,” Steve clapped his friend’s shoulder. “But thank you.”
Bucky nodded curtly, promptly speed-walking back to you and the kids. Once he finally made it to the familiar tree, he was stopped in his tracks. You weren’t there.
Bucky finally noticed that all the kids were back with their parents; some being forced to eat, some dancing around with their dads, and some sitting, exhausted, in their mom’s lap.
He looked around for your familiar pink dress and white flowers hanging on by the thread in your hair, but he couldn’t spot you anywhere.
However, before he could find Cass and bribe him into telling Bucky where you went, a finger tapped on his shoulder.
It was Yelena, looking weirdly amused.
“Can I help you?” Bucky was a bit annoyed by the interruption during his frantic search for you.
“Actually, I think I can help you.” Her smug voice was coated in a thick Russian accent.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows at her.
“Come on, lover boy, you can’t hide anything from me. I saw the way you were looking at her.”
“No clue what you’re talking about.” Bucky tried to look as bored as possible, but his heart skipped a beat.
“Just admit it, Barnes. Or else I’ll tell your mother, and then she'll take matters into her own hands.”
Bucky’s head whipped towards Winnifred Barnes, who was across the garden, and was laughing at something Sam had said. Of course, Bucky loved his mother dearly, but Yelena probably would be a better matchmaker.
“Fine,” He mumbled. “You win.”
“Of course. I always do.” She pushed him, not so gently, in the direction of the bar. “Go get her, Casanova. She’s over there.”
“Couldn’t have done that any softer?” Bucky grumbled, steading himself from the shove.
“Nope.” She smiled sweetly.
Once Bucky was a couple yards out, she called out after him. “Don’t forget to use protection!”
“Fuck. You.” Bucky mouthed at her, earning a witch-like cackle from Yelena, but not before he checked to make sure not too many people were staring.
As Bucky approached the bar, he wiped his clammy hands onto his suit, surprised at his own nervousness.
Where the hell did all this sweat come from?
Bucky cleared his throat, taking a seat in the empty stool next to you, trying to figure out how to start the conversation.
C’mon, Bucky. You’ve done this plenty of times before. Stop worrying. You’re becoming Steve. Just go for it. Say something. Anything-
“You’re Steve’s best man, right?” A gentle voice interrupted his frantic train of thought. “I remember seeing you power-walk in circles from across the garden earlier. Kinda reminded me of my grandma.”
Bucky laughed, his nerves melting away as he shot a sweet grin at you. “I bet your grandma’s got nothing on me. You see how fast I was going?”
“I certainly did. But I’m still wondering why, though.”
“What if I said that I was training for the Olympics?”
You giggled, and Bucky almost melted into a puddle at the sound. “Well then I would say that you wouldn’t last a minute there. Have you ever seen professional race-walking? It’s intense, man.”
“You saying I’m not good enough to compete?” Bucky nudged your shoulder with his own, his usual wave of confidence rippling back through him. “I’d like to see you try to beat me.”
“Give me the date and time,” You nudged him back. “You’re on.”
“Okay, okay, I see how it is.” Bucky clicked his tongue. “But, personally, I prefer to know my opponent’s name before we race to the death.”
“Well, personally,” You mocked, giving Bucky a sly grin. “I don’t like giving out private information to the enemy.”
“Fine, be that way. But since I, for one, am a good sport, I’ll start.” He dramatically stuck his hand out. “Hey there, I’m Bucky.”
You took his hand with a smile. “Nice to meet you.”
Bucky arched an eyebrow at you. “Y’know, usually when someone introduces themselves to you, you’re supposed to introduce yourself back.”
“Oh really?” You slowly pulled your hand back, and he already missed the warmth of it. “Well thank you for the words of wisdom, Bucky. I’ll be sure to try it next time.” You stretched out his name with a smirk, and Bucky turned red.
Since when was the name ‘Bucky’ this erotic?
He chuckled and looked out to the dance floor, not wanting to give away the blush adorning his cheeks. He spotted Natasha and Steve, who were dancing slowly together in the middle, staring softly into each other’s eyes without a care in the world.
“They’re adorable, aren’t they?” You followed Bucky’s gaze to the couple, resting your chin in one hand and letting out a happy sigh.
Not as adorable as you, thou-
Bucky heard his name being called out, along with someone else’s he didn’t recognize.
Yelena squeezed in between you both, swinging an arm around each of you. She winked at Bucky. “I see you two have met.”
Bucky looked over at you with a smirk. "So that's your name, huh?" He repeated it with a long and dramatic stretch, just like you had with his. You hit his foot with your own.
“Whoa, no need to get violent,” Yelena jokingly slapped the back of your head before returning her arm onto your shoulder.
“Says you.” Bucky snorted.
“Yeah, Barnes. Says me.” Yelena slapped Bucky’s head next. “Anyways, everyone’s looking for you guys. Let’s go dance.”
Before either of you could protest, Yelena was already dragging you both by the hand up onto your feet and to the crowd in the middle of the estate. She shoved Bucky’s hands onto your waist and yours onto his shoulders before hurriedly walking away. “Have fun! I’m going to go find a dance partner.”
“Um, sorry about that.” You looked down at your feet, letting out a nervous laugh.
“Nothing to be sorry about, doll.” Bucky nudged your foot with his own. “So, you wanna dance?”
“If we didn’t, Yelena probably would kill us.” You leaned forward a bit as you laughed, and Bucky caught a whiff of the flowers in your hair. “But I’m definitely gonna step on your feet, so I apologize in advance.”
“Don’t you worry, doll. You’ll do great.” He started moving his feet to the music, urging you to sway along with him.
After a couple of laughs and bruises on Bucky’s toes, you had finally nailed it.
“See, you’re doing fabulous. I’m so proud of you.” Bucky smiled.
“Mhm, you can say that after I step on your foot again.”
“Oh c’mon, that’s not gonna happen. You’ve got this shit down.” Bucky winked at you. “That’s what happens when you get a great teacher like me.”
“Keep bragging and I’ll step on your foot on purpose this time.” You threatened. However, your mocking glare quickly turned into a sweet smile as spotted Morgan, who was dancing with her dad a few feet away.
Bucky watched as you two took turns sticking your tongues out at each other, the battle finally ending once Tony and Morgan danced away over to Pepper.
The crowd slowly dwindled down, leaving you and Bucky on the dance floor along with a few other couples.
Your dress twirled around you, the fabric flowing and whispering as you moved. Bucky’s hand rested on the small of your back, and the smooth wooden floor beneath them seemed to sway along in rhythm.
“You’re great with kids,” Bucky pointed out when you turned back to face him. “I saw you with 'em earlier too.”
“Oh, thank you.” You smiled at him, flashing your teeth. “I was convinced into babysitting for the night. Luckily the kids didn’t get too crazy. Probably shouldn't have given all of them gum though.”
Bucky laughed. “I feel you. I was forced into security duty by Steve.”
“Unpaid workers unite!” You stuck your hand up for a high-five, and Bucky gladly accepted with a hearty laugh. “So you’re pretty close to Steve, huh?”
“Yeah. We grew up together in Brooklyn. Been friends for as long as I can remember. He’s always been there for me.” Bucky looked over at his best friend, who was standing with Winnie and Sam, his arm draped across Natasha’s waist, pulling her close into him. “I’m really happy for him. He deserves all of this.”
You nodded, smiling up at Bucky with sparkling eyes. “You sound like an amazing friend,” You said softly, matching the gentle music playing in the background.
And in that moment, Bucky wanted to know everything about you- your hopes, your dreams, your fears, and the stories that danced behind your eyes. Time seemed to slow down as Bucky absorbed every detail of your presence- everything from your mischievous eyes down to your delicate lips that spoke volumes without uttering a single word.
The sheer sight of your twinkling smile stirred emotions deep in him, and he wanted nothing more than to see that smile over and over again for the rest of his life. His mind scrambled to find the right words to describe the mixture of delight and nervousness he felt in his veins that created some sort of magnetic force that tugged you closer to him.
You were just a few inches away. Bucky’s breath caught in his chest.
“Central park. Tomorrow at noon. I’ll pick you up,” He whispered.
“You taking me on a date tomorrow, Barnes?” Your eyes flickered to his lips.
“Nah, doll.” Bucky inched closer. “We’re gonna race.”
And then he closed the distance with a lingering kiss.
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officialfics · 2 years ago
Gavi fluff with a little suggestive theme, pls🙌
A/N: I think I did a good job on this, enjoy!đŸŒ·
Warnings: a hint of smut, fluff ⚠
Gavi, right? – you questioned yet he stared at you for a good minute admiring the features on your face that made you special. You stared back at him he wasn’t answering, and thought; what a weirdo. At his house on an early summer morning, the sun illuminating the back yard., while you were standing in it. That is when Pablo Gavi fell in love for the first time.
-oh my god yes, I remember then I came out and heard him fumbling onto his words, you made the poor boy forget his name- said Aurora while hysterically laughing at this point. All well to the memory of you meeting Gavi for the first time while visiting his sister, Aurora after years apart. Only now he was your boyfriend and you were sitting on a couch with his sister on a hot Barcelona afternoon drinking ice cold water and talking about past events and rekindling memories.
-That is not what happened and I didn’t fumble on my words- he chimed in interrupting the conversation. That is exactly what happened.  
His interruption only causing his sister to laugh even more. He was in the kitchen grabbing a water bottle from the refrigerator a blush creeping onto his face. 
But you were too busy admiring his abs to notice him blushing. He was only wearing shorts and he looked extra delicious, come on how could you resist.
You were brought back from your thoughts by Aurora, throwing a pillow at you face. 
-HEY- you yelled laughing.
-stop checking him out, I’m going to throw up- she states making an ugly face at the two of you.
Gavi only smirks at his siters statement leaning his legs on the couch, he knows the hold he’s got you under. Or maybe it was the images of last night, you squirming on his cock your face buried into his pillow trying to stay quite while he was pounding you into his mattress mercilessly making their way into you head. 
-what are you thinking about, hm? - Gavi asked sitting next to you on the couch, embracing you into his side. Meeting your eyes and not looking away like he was talking, only with his eyes. You dared not to look away. He was leaning into a kiss; your lips were inches apart. Then another pillow came flying your way, again from none other than Aurora. 
-she’s probably thinking about you naked and get a room you two are disgusting- she strikes again only with a more disgusted face turning on the TV putting on her favourite e show. 
Gavi kisses your cheek and walks away leaving you there blushing.
Later it was dinner after you and his sister helped around with the cleaning before going on your phones. Aurora headed to her room for an early night. While you went to find Gavi. He was sitting on the sofa in his room playing FIFA, surprising. 
-Stop embarrassing me in front of Aurora or I’ll tell her what you did to me last night- 
-Then I’ll tell her you called me mommy two nights ago-
Silence filled the rooms. 
He was no better than you, behind closed doors you two were absolutely feral. not getting enough of each other. If his sister cringed form an almost kiss, how would she feel if she saw the two of you all lovey-dovey and affectionate.
You walked over to him and sat on his lap, straddling him. You gave him a peck on the lips and he put the controller down and shut off the TV immediately. 
-You did kind of stutter on your words tho, did I make you nervous my angry bird?- 
He nodded a wholesome and light chuckle escaped his lips, oh those lips. 
He tilted his head and let it fall back.
Dimples, how cute. 
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millshakes · 4 months ago
Ok so today i had my dads bday!! wow cool and awesome sauce. So, this was my first time seeing my family after moving in my dorm,5 days. It was really fun at first, we ate nando's, I was being super social blah blah, but yeah it drained me like a bitch. Midway in I just started laughing at the silliest things.
There was this cupcake thing, my older sister ordered it, she will be N, there was only one piece left and she gave it to my other sister, H, I was lowkey joking around saying I wanted it, i did a little. However, I already had a couple of bites before so N was like no im giving it to H. Lowkey was a little bummed but oh well, after this I looked down at my phone for a little bit, and when I looked back up I saw my sister handing my mom a plate with the cake bit cut smaller, while going my way. For some reason I had a face of absolute joy and was actually really fucking happy, turns out fuck me it was for my dad who sat besides my mom. My family saw this exchange right and they all laughed at me, I laughed along too, it was pretty funny. However I was laughing fucking hysterically, like crying, almost throwing up, could barely breath, i do laugh like this occaisonally, it means I'm tired as balls.
H and my dad were talking about how much she's been walking, and since iv also been walking(we go to the same uni) I wanted to brag as well since I'm allowed to do that, I checked my app for my steps, I realised the past two days i havent really been walking so I decided to not show them.(I didnt mention this but i was REALLY bragging like being loud as balls) My brother saw me take out my phone mid conversation being loud as balls, look at it then stop talking and put my phone down, we then locked eyes. Me and him suddenly started bursting out laughing and yet again i could barely breath laughing hysterically. But this time while i was laughing, I was hit with a wave of fucking exhaustion and sleep deprivation(I am sleep deprived AS FUCKING BALLS), but this wasnt all I felt, also I felt like a crazy desire to fucking burst out crying. Crying and laughing is a pretty close action uk, but unfortunately I resisted and just continued laughing. After that I didnt let the wave of cry bother me but im pretty sure i was noticebly less outgoing. My social battery was getting drained like a bitch.
Like 5 minutes after that, I looked behind only to see a little girl crying and that shit sent me into another fit of laughter. Take note, this is while my dad is like giving a speech about his birthday thanking god and blah blah BLAH, meanwhile im hunched over fucking in tears.
I settled down after enough time we all finished eating we were just talking, and then we were preparing to leave. I saw my sister say soemthing to my mom and I heard like wanted something, I thought they were talking abt getting food for themselves cuz H and I are gonna go back to our uni's after that. So, I interjected saying wait i want to as well( I thought they said get food) my mom said" Oh? you want to give a couple of words to dad for his birthday?" and my stupid ass said what? no? And then i realised it, my mom mentioned wanting to give a couple words for my dads bday not wanting to get food for later for uni AND THIS SENT ME INTO ANOTHER HYSTERICAL FIT. I could see on my dads face he was over with my ass. I explained my side of the story afterwards and it was all a silly goofy laugh.
When we were going back to the car, my social battery was already dead for awhile. We were at the parking lot we left the mall, and i saw a person behind my, i thought it was my sister, so i looked back TURNS OUT IT WAS SOME RANDOM ASS OLD GUY. AND I BURSTED OUT LAUGHING AGAIN AND MY SISTER GOT MAD AT ME TELLING ME NOT TO LAUGH CUZ YEA I JUST LOOKED AT HIM AND BURSTED OUT LAUGHING NOT NICE AT ALL.
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valiantphantomangel · 1 year ago
Hi, since you’re talking request I was wondering if you would do Bruce Banner X Reader, where he has a crush of her and finds out she’s ticklish and after he tickles her he confesses that he likes her and you can come up with a cute ending?
The genius couple
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A/n: thanks for requesting this anon! This is more of a fluffy and cute fic with some tickles in it so enjoy!
You were busy in the lab in Stark Tower where you lived with the other avengers, much like Tony you were a genius in all things considering science.
Currently you were researching a new material which S. H. I. E. L. D claimed to be some alien symbiote appearing as Black liquid or something weird like that, you were just putting it in a container when Bruce Banner walked in.
The guy you've liked since the avengers discovered you 5 years ago, you were both around the same age of 25 now and have been best friends/ science buddies ever since.
"Hey Y/N what are you working on"? Bruce asked curious as he walked over to you.
"Some kind of alien symbiote" you said with a laugh as you finish securing it in a container, trying to ignore how close he was standing to you.
"Wanna help me out? I've been wanting to study some human reactions for some time now" he asked as he looked up at you.
"yeah sure, why not" you smiled and walked over to his side of the lab "with what can I help"?
"well I was hoping if I could test something on you, to see how sensitive you are" he said with a small but noticeable grin.
A faint blush creeped onto your cheeks as you think about it before giving him a nod in response.
Bruce slowly traces a finger over your arm and sees the goosebumps that came at the wake of his touch, he looks up at you with a mischief glint in his eyes before running his fingers lightly over your ribs.
Immediately you giggle before your eyes go wide "Bruce don't you dare"!
"Oh but I have to, this is great for my research" he said with a wide grin and his hands went to your sides and scribbled up and down your hip bones.
You bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing but when he started digging into your ribs you burst out laughing, trashing around as you kicked out your feet.
"My my, i thought you were sensitive but I didn't think it was this bad" Bruce said with a laugh as he squeezed your knees and thighs which elected a almost hysterical laugh from you.
He squeezed and scribbled up and down your tummy for a while making you fall back on the table as you were shaking with laughter.
"BRUCEHIHIHIH STOPHAHHA ITHIHIHIHI" you screamed out in laughter as you wiggle around on the table.
"Alright alright" Bruce chuckled as he stopped his attack on your ribs and just pulled you into a hug, rubbing circles on your back with his thumb "But you do look adorable with those red cheeks".
You blushed brightly as the remaining ghost tickles disappeared and you relaxed in his embrace, sighing content and closing your eyes for a second.
"Hey Y/N"? Bruce asked with a nervous voice.
"I got to tell you something, something important" he said slowly
You looked up at him with a curious expression "What is it, are you alright"?
"yeah I'm alright, i just, I've liked you for a long time now and I wanted to tell you so bad, how your smile always lit up the room when you entered, how the big guy always calmed down when he saw you" Bruce said softly as he looked you in the eyes.
Your eyes went wide with surprise before a grin out of pure joy lit up your face and a even brighter blush covered your cheeks "i like you too Bruce, since we first met I've always felt this attraction towards you but I thought you liked Nat"
"Really? No no Nat is just a very dear friend of mine, she always said that I needed to talk to you" he said with a chuckle before smiling widely "you like me?"
"yeah" you said softly as you look him in the eyes.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked with a smile
"Absolutely!" you smiled as you hugged him tightly.
He hugged you back and placed a small kiss on your forehead, he couldn't help but notice Tony walking past the lab door and shooting him a wink with his thumbs up.
Bruce rolled his eyes before returning his attention back to you and smiling how lucky he was that you were willing to give him a chance.
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athenodora-sulpicia-writer · 2 years ago
Eva Green- Owning the Red Carpet
Context: your going to the Dumbo premiere with your beautiful girlfriend Eva Green and coincidentally it just so happens to be your two year anniversary, let’s see what surprises you have up your sleeve for your incredible girlfriend.
A/N: I absolutely adored writing this and it’s probably my favourite Eva post yet, I hope you all enjoy.
Warning(s): None
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I couldn't believe I was here, with her, the love of my life, right now. Me and Eva had been together for two years now and we were currently on our way to the premiere for Dumbo, which coincidentally fell on the evening of our two year anniversary, and I was certainly going to make it a night that we'd both remember forever.
Pulling up to the premiere I turned and faced Eva who sat next to me, positioned perfectly to be the first person out of the car and I saw how she sat there fiddling with her fingers. I knew how she got nervous before events like this, we'd both already agreed that we wouldn't be staying for any after parties or 'Plastic Parties' as Eva liked to call them.
"Hey, everything's going to be okay," I whispered to her reassuringly as I placed my hand over hers to stop her fiddling. "And you never know it might be really fun," I said to her smiling knowingly, I had a couple of surprises up my sleeve.
"I know," Eva responded taking in a deep breath before she returned my smile with one of her own beautiful ones. "Anything will be fun as long as your with me," my heart melted then and I could already feel a tear or two pricking at the back of my eyes.
Eva then took our conjoined hands and brought them up to her lips giving them a loving kiss, her red lipstick staining them slightly, before the car stopped and then the door was being opened for us to leave.
I watched how Eva hesitated slightly and so I gave her hand a tight squeeze which seemed to give her the confidence she needed as I then said, "Don't worry, I won't ever let go."
she then looked at me and I saw how her ocean blue eyes searched mine for a little more encouragement, "Promise?" She asked me and I may have almost not heard but I knew her well enough that I would always hear everyone word she said and even the ones that remained unspoken.
"I promise, my Princess," Then she left the car with a final deep breath pulling me with her, as our hands never left one another's and I knew I could never love anyone as much as I loved her.
Then the flashes came and the cheers began and suddenly the press were firing questions in every direction known to man but I was quick to react, I didn't even have to think about it, it was just a reflex.
I held Eva even tighter by her hand and practically glued myself to her side as I lead us down the carpet. I'd never been to something like this before, so I was acting purely on instinct my mind going completely into overdrive. It's one focus was making Eva feel comfortable and safe and also make sure she had an amazing time.
We'd had to stop once or twice so Eva could answer some interview questions but once I saw the look in her eyes shift, from the questions lasting to long, I was on it and knew the perfect way to make her laugh.
A whispered joke in the ear always seemed to do the trick at home and it seemed to work even better here, especially when I attempted some of the jokes in French, my imperfect translation seeming to be hysterical to Eva as she doubled over in laughter more than once and that's when I knew I was doing my job correctly.
We were now on the fifth interview and I was simply waiting now for all my planning and scheming over the last few weeks to fall into place.
Then as this final questionnaire interview came to a close the quiet music they'd had playing in the background became louder and I seized the opportunity to complete step 2 of my plan.
Step 1 had been to get Eva to this point.
As the music became louder and some of the other cast stood at the front of the red carpet in an open wide section, free of the press standing two inches away from you, I dragged Eva over with me.
I pulled her over by our joined hands and without warning we were standing on the open space with the music playing and I grabbed Eva's over hand, her faces completely perplexed and then I began to dance with her.
The music became louder and little faster and I began twirling her around and around, at first she was hesitant but soon enough as she saw how much I was enjoying it, she gave in and threw caution to the wind.
We danced and twirled, our hands always joined. Eva and I were laughing like mad women and for those three minutes of the song there was no one else around. It was just us goofing around in the living room with the music blaring and causing absolute chaos.
I knew it was coming close to the end of the song and on that final increase in Volume I lifted her up into the air by her waist twirling her around in the air as she laughed and smiled, a cheshire wide smile, down at me.
Then the music slowed and faded away and I placed Eva backdown on her feet, the only difference now, from before, was that she was facing away from me, her back turned to me.
Which gave me the perfect planned amount of time to signal Dani over, who placed the small blue velvet box in my hand and moving the skirts of my dress slightly I knelt down in just enough time for Eva to turn back around.
I watched as a thousand and one emotions rushed through her at once, before her face settled on shock and she was covering her mouth with her hands, eyes wide in shock.
"Eva Gaëlle Green," i began to say remaining on one knee as she looked down at me, waiting. "My beautiful, crazy and outstanding girlfriend, I...." And then I had to take a deep breath becoming nervous myself.
"I had a whole speech prepared but suddenly it's left my mind, so here it goes, off script. I've loved you since the moment I saw you, I've loved you since the first time we got drinks together, I've loved you ever since we ran around Hyde park in the middle of the night on the way home.
I love you in the way you dance around the living room to classical music, I love the way you hum to yourself as you cook dinner, I love your patience with me when I butcher your native language.
But most of all I love the way that you entered my life, head first and down a couple of steps in the hotel I was staying at in Paris. That's how you and I have always done everything, head first with no regrets and that's how I want us to continue.
I saw the tears flood down Eva's cheeks leaving stains as they went by and it took no less than two seconds for her to kneel down, wrap her arms around me and bring me back to my feet in an embrace.
So my beautiful Princess, the Mistress of my heart and my best friend. Will you marry me?"
"Yes, yes of course I'll marry you Y/N!"
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caffeinecoffeesnek · 2 years ago
A Rat and a Squealing Frog
Remus is bored as can be, in desperate need to get rid or let his ler mood out, so when he sinks out he finds a unsuspecting victim or should I say, side, to help him out
Tickle fic!
(Includes: Remus, Tickles, rough tickling, possible Intruality? Short fic, reference(s) of the word ‘Daddy”, swearing, tickling death spots, tell me if I forgot any)
Remus huffed as he threw his knife at his wall, the tip getting in bedded in the wall with a ‘twang’ noise. What caused this? Remus was in a huge Ler mood and in desperate need to tickle someone, to hear their laughter and screams, their begs and pleads as he or well his tentacles tickled them silly in their worse spots.
Remus whined an just sunk out, deciding on the first person he saw he would go for, he needed to get rid of his huge Ler mood. He rose up in the Living space an looked around. Eyes landing on Patton who was making cookies in the kitchen, completely unaware of Remus’s presents. Remus grinned as his tentacles came out from his back, finding the perfect target. He quickly sped over as his tentacles latched onto Patton and trapped him, causing Patton to jump and frog scream out of fright.
Remus laughed and sunk back to his room with a very panicked Patton who was tightly wrapped in his tentacles that were so eager to just start already.
He rose up and Patton looked around petrified “R-Remus where am I?! W-W-What’s going on?!” “Oh calm your dicks pops, I ain’t gonna hurt cha but your gonna be here a while since I- or we, need desperate help~ and be prepared to loose your voice and mind for a while!”
Remus explained as he happily sat in his torn old chair, leaving Patton confused before he suddenly burst out laughing which quickly grew to hysterics as tentacles went under his shirt and started tickling his belly as 1 even dipped onto his bellybutton. Remus grinned as he watched Patton who was held up by 2 tentacles around his wrists as 3 others attacked his belly and his armpits as he wriggled around and laughed and squealed in hysterics.
"Awwwee! whats the matter patty?! does it tickle? is the little gigglebug ticklish?" Remus teased as Patton laughed an squirmed around. "REHEHEMHMUS! PLHEHEHAHSE!"
"What was that? please more! Oh of course Patty!" "NHOHOHO! W-WAHAHIHT!" Patton only managed to barely get two words out before he wailed in his beautiful laugher an screams as the tentacles moved from his armpits and belly down to his thighs as others worked on getting his shoes an socks off.
Patton kicked his legs around in a desperate attempt to break free from this tickly torture he was now stuck in. Two other tentacles soon grabbed his ankles as well an held him still as more started wriggling or suctioning on an off from his soles an toes while more absolutely destroyed his thighs and poor helpless Patton could only wail an scream in laugher as tears streamed down his face, all the while remus was sat back an watching in pure joy.
Remus soon got a idea an brung him over to his lap, the tentacles stopping to give him a break as Patton giggled an panted for air, The tentacles let go of him but before Patton could move Remus tied his wrists again an ankles an tied his big toes together.
That made Patton burst into anticipated giggles as Remus smirked an put his feet in his lap as he tentacles moved to a stronger grip on Patton. He blushed when he felt cold liquid being poured over his toes an soles, baby oil..
Patton smiled more through his anticipating giggles as he tried to squirm free, but this made the tentacles tighten their grip and a couple started wiggling at his sides, causing the poor moral side to start squealing and giggling even more. “Now now Daddy Patty~ the more you squirm the more their just keep it up and you’ll be stuck with me for much Much longer~” Remus said in a hummed voice, practically having a ear to ear smile now as he threw the bottle of oil aside an placed his finger tips on to Pattons poor oiled soles.
Patton watched as he bit his lip with a wide smile, trying to curl his toes to save himself.
Big mistake
Remus grinned and as almost if it was a green light for him, he started scribbling and scratching at his soles an just under his toes on the left while using a hair brush on the right, and to top it off his tentacles that had been wiggling at Pattons sides had moved to his thighs and started poking and squeezing.
Poor Patton was practically screaming and wailing in laughter at this point, he had tears in his eyes (in a good way) and was loosing his mind as Remus attacked to two death spots with things added on top, it was too much for the poor moral side, and sadly since they were in Remus’s room, non of the other sides could hear him.
This went on for over 10 minutes before Patton started coughing and screaming through his beautiful laughter that he couldn’t take anymore, and eventually after a few minutes of it Remus finally let up. Patton gasped and panted for air as his laughter died down to soft giggles as Remus was trying to help clean the oil off with a hand towel but didn’t really work so he just left the oil on.
The tentacles let Patton go an Remus smirked as he set Patton on his bed, who was already looking so tired. “So, how was that~” Remus teased as he watched the moral side glance at him with a smile. “S-stra-strange b-but I e-enj-joyed it” Patton panted out with a soft giggle. Remus seemed satisfied with that answer and sunk Patton out, where Patton laid on the couch in the living room, quickly falling asleep and confusing the other 4 when they came down to see a sleeping Patton but the oven still on with cookies inside.
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bucky-h0e · 2 years ago
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A/n: If you enjoy this, make sure to check out my other works! If you have any feedback, then please let me know! I am taking requests for both this and separate works. This is a long-term series so be sure to check out the masterlist below for more Bucky and Alpine works! Taglist is open - just let me know if you'd like to be added.
kinda went wild at the end tho
Warnings: Fluff, questionable food combinations, incident of Alpine being followed, protective bucky
Serendipity Masterlist
Main Masterlist
How Alpine deals with stress ( + How Bucky deals with stressed Alpine)
If there is one thing we can be sure about, it's that this dynamic is stressful
Between Bucky still going on missions and dealing with the new century
and Alpine's impulsive thoughts winning 90% of the time
both parties were stressed a fair amount.
But they each deal with it in very, very different ways
Alpine is a very expressive person
very expressive
Bucky will know when she's stressed, but it does depend on the situation
for example
She had found herself caught between an argument that Sam and Bucky had been having
as much as it was definitely not appropriate
Alpine started laughing
mainly out of nerves
but hysterically
sat back in her seat, staring at the two of them, tears in her eyes
because wtf else was she going to do?
jump in front of Captain America and a super soldier?
no thank you
she likes her lungs unpunctured
not that they were actually in a physical fight
and not that they would actually hurt her either
but still
she was not about to jump in front of them like that
laughing had seemed to make them stop
they did think she was absolutely mental for it, but that was just one way in which her stress came out
not like she could help it, it was that or just cry and she preferred the laughing part
normally she did end up in tears but that was because of the pain in her chest from laughing too much
at least at the end of it she would actually start making herself laugh until she finally managed to calm down
then act like nothing had happened
This is only one way that she deals the stress
another way is ranting
she can't seem to stop talking if this is the way her stress presents itself
she has once ranted about how the human's in Wall-E were probably eating people
honestly, he stopped listening halfway through because he was confused
what the fuck was Wall-E
he's have to add it to his list of things to watch
or maybe Alpine would force him to watch it
lets be honest, it would be the second option
Honestly, this rant all started because Bucky asked if she had a good shift at work
he wasn't going to be asking that again any time soon
but it is obvious that Alpine does NOT handle stress well
she starts spiralling
and mostly, she stress eats
mainly whipped cream
her fridge is stocked of at least 3 cans of whipped cream that she'll just eat when she's stressed
The first time Bucky saw this was when he came back from the Flag-smashers mission
she's seen Sam become Captain America on the news but got so scared when she didn't see Bucky
She sat outside his door with a can of whipped cream and a spoon, squirting the cream on the spoon and eating as she waited for Bucky to make his appearance
when he did, he sat beside her and she immediately took another spoonful
"Why don't you just cut out the spoon? seems like more washing up"
"Jesus Sarge I'm a classy woman, not an animal."
she just needed to sit with him for a little bit, to know that he was okay
so when he grabbed the can and squirted some cream into his mouth, she didn't really care
"How many cans have you had?"
"Alpine.... that's too much whipped cream"
As much as she does just eat the cream itself, she has stressed out to the point where she's started creating combos
not the good kind
whipped cream and cheese
whipped cream and pickles
whipped cream and a mcdonalds burger
honestly it just comforts her
and she's asked Bucky to come with her to the gym
"its your fault I do this, you are the main reason for my stress now, you can help train me."
If she's done something and she's stressing about it then she always assumes she's going to jail
she once entered the wrong price at the till at work and started to think her boss was gunna call the cops on her
he wasn't, he was just going to take the difference (like 50 cents) off her wage and told her just that and she agreed
but that didn't stop her from bursting into Bucky's apartment cry-laughing
"omg I'm going to jail."
"hello to you too"
"Buck, omg, i can't go to jail - i won't survive prison! I won't HAVE a bitch i will BE the bitch - I CAN'T BE THE BITCH BUCKY"
Immediately starts trying to find anything to stress eat
"Relax Al, you won't be the bitch."
"So, i'm not going to jail?"
a hopeful look
bucky sees his opportunity
"...... you won't be the bitch."
immediately goes back to stress eating
but there are only ever a few times where bucky will actually tease her
only in the less serious cases of her stressing would be do that to her
man is genuinely worried that she's going to have a heart attack on of these days from the amount that she stresses
like jesus christ
c a l m y o u r s e l f
but if he ever told her that, he knows he'd also get a smack
and that would only stress him out
then it would just be a competition on who is more stressed out
it's definitely Alpine
but if he was ever the cause of her stress
after the first incident
then he's always got a can of whipped cream ready
"hey alpine, can i just say, you are looking real pretty today, did you get your hair done? new colour? looks good."
"what did you do?!"
honestly, it makes a change because it's normally Alpine trying to work Bucky up with compliments before giving bad news
but seriously, he worries about her so much
he plays it off well, but internally he is always panicking when it comes to Alpine being in any type of danger or stressful situation
hell, she works at two bars
on the night shift, bucky doesn't sleep until she gives a small knock on the door and jingles her keys to let him know she made it home safely
is this is what having a child is like?
it feels like it is
it reminds him of always worrying if steve was getting his ass kicked in some random alley
but steve got himself into those situations
alpine would never
she would and she has, she just hasn't told bucky
seriously, one of these days he's just going to start picking her up and walking home with her
if her stress seems to be dissolving into a panic attack, bucky is all over it
there had been one occasion, on a night out with her friend and her friend's boyfriend, where alpine rang Bucky, thinking that someone was following her home
she had separated from her friend and her boyfriend, their apartments being on separate sides of the city
her friend's boyfriend had been adamant on walking her home, saying that they would just take a cab back to their flat from hers but she shook her head
her friend was out cold and needed to get home
"I'll be okay, you go. I'll call when i get home, promise. Just look after her okay? way too many jaeger shots."
begrudgingly, the pair set off, casting looks back until they could no longer see alpine.
now, alpine was in no way sober
she had drank the same amount as her friend but starting mixing water in between drinks so that she could be slightly more aware of her surroundings walking home
not comfortable with taking a cab on her own, she enjoyed the peaceful walk, taking her heels off and letting her stiff feet flatten out on the pavement
she was maybe, ten-fifteen minutes away from her place when she noticed the man following behind her across the street
chancing a glance, she saw him tilt his head downwards, out of her view and began to panic
not good
especially not good when he crosses the street
there was an alley in front
n o t t o d a y
she crosses the street, staying on the opposite side from him and calls bucky after turning the location of her phone on
"Hey kid, you -"
"Buck someone's following me"
again the man crosses the street
so does alpine
"where are you"
"like ten minutes away"
she could hear his door slamming open through the phone, he was coming
speeding up, she glances back and spots the man keeping pace, starting to get faster, not phased by her being on the phone
"i'm on my way, keep talking sweetheart, i'll be there soon"
"this guy is like a fucking track star. man must be doing some walking races or something."
he crosses again, so does she, he stops halfway and follows
he's right behind her
he's catching up, there's another alley just in front
this is it
she's going to die
"bucky he's right behind me, my legs won't fucking move any faster ... bucky i'm-"
she feels the relief flood her body once she hears his voice
"Get the hell away from her."
she turns back, watching as the guy backs away and begins to make his way back down the street, away from the super soldier who moved to block him from the girl
bucky clenches his jaw
debating on whether or not to chase after this creep
but one look at alpine gives him his answer
she's leaning against the brick wall, panting heavily, trying to catch her breath
there are tears in her eyes and she's chuckling nervously, fingernails digging into her palm where she clenches her fist, watching in the direction the man went
she's shaking
from the cold or from nerves he's not sure
"jesus christ. that was fucking something, never thought it would happen to me you know? you go about like thinking it's never going to be you and then boom it's happening. he didn't even care i was on the phone, normally they just leave but he was like so unbothered."
she was making her self panic and he knew he needed to stop her
"hey, hey"
"like seriously, i could've been on the phone to the police and he would have still tried to do something, what the fuck-"
"Al, kid, look at me"
her breathing sped up as she looked at the alley in front of her before back into the direction of the creep
"oh my god, i nearly,,, he was gunna..."
bucky grabs her head gently to stop it from turning back and forth, keeping her sight on him
kneeling in front of the girl he considers family
she stops her ranting and looks at him, eyes darting between his own, trying to level herself
"hey, that's it. just keep looking at me. are you hurt?"
she shakes her head and darts her eyes back to the direction the man went before bucky turns her head gently, forcing her to look at him again
"no but-"
"are you in pain? your feet okay?"
she nods
"i'm okay but buck, he-"
"take a deep breath for me"
she does as she's told, letting her eyes close
she does it again when he asks
and again
before she opens her eyes and lets out her final deep breathe
"you're okay kid. I got you."
carefully, he wraps her in his arms, his hand on the back of her head, guiding it to rest between his shoulder and neck
he can feel her heartbeat against his chest
her arms wrapped around him and she nods against him
"i'm okay."
she repeats quietly and bucky gently rocks them, separating once he feels her heartbeat calm down
"Let's get home. I'll leave my door open okay? you come in if you need anything"
he knows he won't be sleeping tonight anyway, too concerned about if she would be okay during the night
he is definitely walking her home on a night now, to save himself the stress and her the stress
that night, he sat with her for a little bit before they went to bed
letting her sober up
eating her weird whipped cream combos and ranting about the pixar theory
whatever that was
bucky wasn't really listening
he let her laugh the situation off before bed, hugging her goodnight and leaving
waiting until he heard the door lock before making his way back to his apartment, leaving his unlocked and sitting on his couch
he knows how to deal with her stress
he just hates dealing with it when it's caused by something like this
but she trusted him and that was enough for him
as long as she was safe it was fine
but he was still concerned by her eating habits
and so
with her rants
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lostaroace · 1 year ago
Day 18 of the 30-day short story challenge
This time the prompt was scars and I explored the topic with our beloved IT middle-aged cast. As the house in Neibolt Street collapses Stan thinks about their scars.
Yes, Stan is alive. And so is Eddie.
CW: AU-Everybody lives | Nobody dies, brief mention of a failed sui**de attempt, mention of canon stabbing wound.
Words: 964
Also available on AO3
There it goes:
The morning air was dense and miserable on Neibolt Street as the Losers saw the house collapse. They almost didn't make it out. Defeating Pennywise once and for all had been cathartic, although the fulfillment of victory did not last for long as the whole structure started to fall deprived of its master to keep it up. As the last piece of wood fell, dust floated through the air, and a pregnant silence settled.
Stanley's heart was beating hard and fast in his chest, his pulse pumping in his eardrums. The vertiginous void in his stomach bubbled and suddenly he was laughing. Hysterically. Stan's maniac laugh had him pressing his hands on his opposite sides, tears falling down his face cleaning it from dirt and other residues.
Eddie followed his lead. Shaking like a leaf under a hurricane, Eddie grabbed Richie's arm whilst laughing as the lack of air was making him a bit dizzy. Memories of Richie floating, eyes white and mouth open suffering under the deadlights, rushed into Eddie's mind forcing him to secure his grab of Richie's arm.
Richie broke close behind. If someone had listened to his laugh at that moment they would not have been able to pin down if he was laughing hysterically or crying inconsolably. Eddie had rescued him from the deadlights and he remembered the pain, still pulsing on his lower back as he had fallen onto the crypt's floor. Eddie had hovered over him, beaming and so proud of himself for having thrown that javelin at the demon clown
 Stan had grabbed them with unusual strength, pulling them out of the path of one of Pennywise's claws. A claw that could have, and most definitely would have, drilled Eddie's torso turning him into a human kebab. Reminiscing the recent events, Richie's laugh turned completely into sobbing as he got free from Eddie's grab only to pull him into a tight hug shared with Stanley.
Beverly's laugh made her lose her balance. Kneeling on the dusty road she felt her demons abandon her once and for all. She felt lighter as if after twenty-seven years of carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders it had finally disappeared.
Ben's laugh, although a by-product of the situation just as the others were, was timid and quiet, nervous and buzzing, unstoppable.
Bill laughed quietly observing his friend safe and sound losing their minds over their absolute victory. He started this. Twenty-seven years ago he had pushed and pressed his friends to find Georgie's murderer and face the damn clown. He put them at risk then, and he has put them at risk now.
Mike did not laugh. He felt utterly relieved, especially since he was the only one who stayed in Derry and remembered all the events of the past in order to call for the others in case Pennywise returned. He cried. Silently and a bit bitterly, to be completely honest. Mike drugged Bill in order to get him on board with a suicidal plan. Mike lied to his friends.
Bill, noticing Mike's unconsolable state, decided to hug him. Bill always was the big brother of the Losers and he saw no need to change that now, even if he was the shortest of them all.
At some point, they made their way to the townhouse. There's really no need to say that they made an unsanitary stop to jump at the quarry. They arrived soaked at the townhouse, in dreadful need of a warm shower and industrial quantities of soap.
The first call to reality was Eddie's bathroom covered in blood from when Henry had stabbed him in the cheek. That was not ideal. If his things were moved to Richie's room nobody would have commented on it.
Stanley, clean and dandy, entered the bar of the townhouse where the other Losers had reunited for an alcoholic breakfast with the idea of strengthening their resolution to call the police and give their statements before leaving Derry behind once and for all.
Bev was patching Eddie up mumbling under her breath that he ought to go to the hospital and have the stab wound stitched. A first-aid kit was laid out on the table where they were congregated. Mike, Ben, Bill, and Richie were tending to their own scratches and other wounds. Stan rolled up his sleeves ready to clean up his wounds.
Silently, which was very concerning, Richie took his wrists pulling him closer to take a sit in the empty chair. He frowned with contained sorrow. Stanley understood it. If not for his magnificent wife, Stan would've been dead by now. The moment Mike called him, he prepared himself for a bath and slashed his forearms open with a razor, but Patty looked for him almost immediately breaking the spell. The scars were going to be nasty looking.
"Don't you dare do that again," Richie's serious look pierced his soul.
He gave him a faint smile, "No one would've cared, Richie. Nobody remembered me anyway."
"You are my best friend. The only one that– Penny did something to our memories and for that, I won't say anything on your logic, but I do care."
Feeling a lump getting stuck in his throat, Stan lowered his head. "I know," he whispered.
As Richie worked into Stan's wounds, he looked at his friends. All of them were covered in scars, both physical and psychological. They all had demons yet to be beaten, fears to face, and all that jazz. However, they had destroyed a mystic, demon, alien clown as old as the world itself. If they could do that, they could do anything. The key point was to be together, and now that there was no powerful spell upon their memory, they would always be together. 
The end.
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katebutterfly · 27 days ago
Rebels Belong to Heaven
Chapter 1: White Room
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I woke up in a strange old room. The walls probably used to be white, but I couldn't be sure. They were covered in black ash and something red that looked like blood, but I truly hoped that I was wrong.
There were no windows and just one big metal door. I've never really struggled with claustrophobia, but in this moment I felt absolutely, hopelessly, irreversibly trapped.
I couldn't move. The fear had me paralyzed. I tried to remember what happened and how I ended up here but it was just a waste of time. The last memory I had was when my boyfriend came from work and we had dinner together. After that there was just dark emptiness.
I thought I was going to die in that room and I kept thinking about my family and friends and how I should have spend my last moments with someone else instead of my boyfriend.
Then it finally got to me - did he locked me here? He was the last person I could remember and he did have his crazy moods. My friends were begging me to break up with him but I couldn't. I loved him.
But maybe I was in love with the pain.
I heard strange noice coming from the door so I stopped overthinking.
I heard screaming, hissing and even praying, all mixed up. It sounded like voices of thousands of people - but that's not possible or is it?
I was absolutely terrified and what was worse - the door slowly started to open and the voices got louder. I saw a tall black figure entering the room.
They looked like a shadow. When they walked in, they immediately closed the heavy door. They turned to me and I could finally see their face. It was pale, their eyes were all black and their teeth were sharp.
I thought, they had to be a total psychopath with all those body modifications.
"Welcome, my dear!" they smiled at me with his teeth like a shark.
"Wha-what do you want?" I asked in terror.
"Just come with me, my darling," they said with a little smirk.
"No!" I yelled at them but they were still smiling as if it was a totally normal situation.
"Don't be scared." They came closer and reached for my hand but I pulled it away.
"Get away from me, you freak!"
"You can't escape, love," for the first time I saw a glance of sadness in their eyes.
"Don't call me love or dear or darling! It's fucking disgusting!" I was yelling and yelling at them but I didn't see any change in their face.
"Did your boyfriend use to call you these names?" Their weird smile was back.
"How do you know him? Did he tell you to do this?" I was confused.
"To do what?" it seemed like I confused them as well.
"To kill me," I whispered.
They started laughing hysterically.
It's confirmed. They are a psychopath.
"What the fuck is going on?!" I was furious.
"Oh honey," they wiped away tears of laughter, "you're already dead."
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diaryoftheunidropout · 2 years ago
DAY 52
This update is actually about day 51, since it's currently just a little over midnight.
I really need to get today off my chest in all its details because there is no one I can/want to tell about it. So this blog seems my best option. Just so it's a day that's recorded somewhere.
I spent the entire day with a friend of mine who doesn't live in Paris but comes here often. She is someone who has suffered and still suffers a lot, but she is truly one of the kindest and sweetest souls I know and I absolutely love her. We met up at around 10AM, so I woke up at 9AM feeling REALLY SHIT because I've been gettinbg very intense and almost constant vertigo from the brutal absence of antidepressants these past days, small side effects from the vaccine (feeling feverish, shortness of breath when making efforts), and a small cold due to the rapid switches in temperatures. All of this combined, taking into account the fact that I barely slept and not even well, gives... a very miserable me lol. Except I'd promised my friend I'd be there with her and there was no chance I was going to let her down.
So I started my day very tired and dizzy, knowing I was probably going to get home 14 hours later, although that meant being with someone I love, which I can only be very greatful for!
The cool things we did today are going to some sort of tiny... market? Like just people selling their stuff, and I found a cheap card game and those tablets you can use to draw (also very cheap). We also found some dolls we were looking for! We ate nice things at a restaurant, sat down for quite a while at Place d'Italie and laughed. My friend also went to get touch ups on her tattoo with an artist I'd seen before and she was honestly ever nicer than the first time we saw her (if that's even possible), the studio was actually inside her home and she let us play the music we wanted and we chatted about one of her tattoos (which I immediately recognized as being from one of my fav tattoo artists) and it was really cool!
So lots of good things you see. However, I feel the bad ones kind of dominated. This morning I get a text from my mom saying she cancelled her plans for the day (going to the movies and eating out). And then at some point early in the afternoon I get a message from her again saying she ended up getting out of bed because she'd met a guy on a dating app who had lost his wife to lung cancer around the same time as my mom and I lost my dad to lung cancer, and that he had a daughted living in London (thinking of it now, I want to see his daughter because life, what if she's my soulmate and we get married and shit okay sorry I'm totally insane). The point is it really hurt me to see that the only thing getting her out of bed was not the love my dad and I bear to her, all the fighting my dad's done and all the fighting I have done too, but just some random man she's never met and is just soooooo excited to meet and it's like the highlight of her day. It just hurts because I've been so incredibly sensitive about my dad lately like just writing the word dad could get me crying somehow.
Other bad thing that happened might seem shocking because why the hell would I consider this a bad moment, but at the restaurant with my friend I just started laughing hysterically over... I'm not quite sure what? I don't even remember? And it happened again later when we were sitting down in a park while watching some old memes I'd saved somewhere. But when I say hysterical laughter I don't mean like "hahaha I can't stop laughing this is funny", I mean like "I am laughing incredibly loudly and have zero control over my body right now and I am laughing so hard I am choking and actually very much in pain". Now that I think of it, it really felt like those couple of moments in my life I was so full of anger that I felt "out of my body" and just couldn't control anything anymore, except with laughter. I find it quite terrifying.
Then we saw a play that was possibly the best play I've seen in my entire life and it moved me so much I actually cried, but I still had to refrain from crying too much or too loudly in order not to have everyone mad at me or ruin my makeup, so it was just one more moment today having to keep my shit together. Also I had to get up like 10 times before the play started because people kept wanting to get to their seats, and then back to the toilet, and then back to their seats, and then they realized they had the wrong seat, and so on. Very annoying if you want my opinion. The play was still excellent though.
Then I realized I got a message from my ex landlady telling me that she hadn't replied to me earlier although she legally HAD to send me documents by a certain date, because she was busy with [blah blah insert personal life details I literally do not give a single fuck about] and she'd sent me a second email which is basically just some shitty screenshot that ""proves"" how much money I gave her so she would leave me the fuck alone except it proves absolutely nothing and does not confirm she will NEVER ask me for money ever again although she's already stolen thousands and thousands from me that my parents struggled to put aside and it got me so hysterical I became, well, hysterical in front of my friend, and then played it cool and acted like I wasn't going insane.
Then my friend and I sat down near the Eiffel Tower and we got a dozen illegal sellers in the span of 30 mins asking us over and over again if we wanted to buy their stuff, I even got a guy lying down next to me and telling me I was pretty and that I was in love with me although my friend and I kept asking him to kindly leave us alone, and then I got a guy selling roses shaking a rose right into my face while I was comfortable lying down watching the Eiffel Tower, and I just wonder, why the hell are people, especially men it seems, like this?!
And then I received a message from one of my mom's Internet friends whom she got into an argument with and blocked. Did not read the whole message but it was very overdramatic and all like "Adieu dear I shall never talk to you again" and I think that's literally SO fucking shitty of him to go and try to guiltrip a 18 year old girl into telling her mom to talk to him again, like I have my fucking mental struggles and enough shit to deal with, can't you just grow the fuck up (you're almost 50 years old) and leave me alone and deal with your own shit on your own instead of sending a lowkey cry of help to ME?
I again would love to insist on how tired, dizzy, feverish, mentally unstable, and just overall sick, I feel. Or I should say I AM.
All of this is real. I am not a lying. I am not a lier. I do not lie. I wish I could tell someone. I wish someone would listen. My uni best friend asked me how I was and I remained very vague. None of my other friends want to hear about my state. My mother is too fragile for me to tell her all of this without destroying her. My grandparents won't understand or won't be able to do much to help except perhaps guiltripping my mom into telling her she's not doing enough. My therapist listens and she's kind but she's very passive because of course this is my life but spending €50 for 45 minutes of me just saying "well I feel kind of bad" and her saying "okay" is literally so pointless, like why isn't she just giving me some words of affirmation?! She might not realize it but simply saying "I know your pain is real" would be fucking REVOLUTIONARY and instead all she tells me is "okay :)" and "oops, we're done with this session, it's time :)"... when I have made it clear that all I need is someone to say they believe me when I say I'm in pain. And she can't even tell me those words. Maybe because just like the others, she doesn't. Or she just doesn't understand my needs. Or both. I don't know. And let's not talk about doctors and psychiatrists who simply tell me I look "just fine" or refuse to listen to me when I say I have episodes that are NOT depressive episodes.
Right now I feel like I'm going through both (hypo)mania and depression. I am so incredibly sad and tired and I just want to rest in bed because I physically cannot keep up, and another part of me is motivated to try her very best to show excitement and joy and also believes in great things. Like two days ago I spent an hour staring at myself in a mirror and interviewing myself like I was a published author. And then today, as I said, I bought one of those tablets to draw because I'm like, secretly convinced I'll become a great tattoo artist, or the next great YA author with famous graphic novels, or I don't know.
I think as soon as my makeup is off I might bawl. I just want to sleep. Please let me rest.
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